Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Olivia Feb-March


I'm so sorry I haven't posted in soooo long! I seemed to have been a little busy! :) I have been working - picking up some of my mom's cleaning jobs while Mark has been out of work. It's been nice being able to help with the financial end of things and let Mark take care of the "mommy-ing" end of things! but as of today - PRAISE THE LORD - Mark got his job back and is working right now! Another note of praise...Mom is officially cancer free!! We are all so thankful that she did so well with the chemo and that it worked so quickly!! Olivia has been changing so quickly the last month I really should have been posting more often but I will try to get you up to speed now! Olivia is: crawling like CRAZY, getting into everything, pulling herself up on anything she can, saying "Da-Da, Na-Na, Ma-Ma", teething AGAIN - she has two bottom teeth and is working on the top two, got her first bad cold and got over it - yay, growls at everything, MUST have whatever food we are eating or else she has a little temper tantrum, over all a VERY happy little girl and such a joy!!! Pretty sure when she figures out how to walk, she will skip that and go straight to RUNNING!!! look out! She is so silly and entertains us with something new every day!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Almost 9 months!

I cannot believe Olivia is almost 9 months old already! She is getting to be such a big girl! She is sooooo silly - she loves grunting at Mark and when he does it back she finds it especially fun! She is trying very hard to crawl... she is getting really close! Her first tooth finally came in last weekend, and we didn't even know cuz she wasn't acting any different than usual - such a good girl! We also tried a ponytail for the first time! Not too bad and she had quite the mohawk when i took it off! She is just such a joy - the Lord knew we needed her!!
Update on my mom: she had her last scheduled chemo last week and they ended up cutting her dose because her counts have been so low, even with the lower dose her numbers were very low, but praise the Lord she is still doing well! She has scans this week and is meeting with her doctor on Friday to find out the results and see how the chemo worked! Keep praying!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Ok so I'm a little slow in posting these...sorry!! In my defense, we didn't have the internet working at all last week! :) Anyways, Olivia was so much fun on her first Christmas!! She liked opening presents all right, although the first initial ripping of the paper made her cry! haha And of course it all just went in her mouth! We had Christmas Eve with my mom's side of the family, and then Christmas Day in Waseca with the Poormans. Olivia thanks everyone for the fun presents...and we do to :)